
Flightless Bird

Why did I not before see your tears?

Why did you never tell me your fears?

For now it is conceivably far too late

To undo this terrifying curse of fate


Thinner and thinner you have become

To this addiction you have succumbed

Repeating time after time “I’m okay”

Though standing there you start to sway


Collapsed there before my own eyes

Now time has revealed all of your lies

Scared to death as I watch you lie still

The warm air suddenly biting and chill


I want to help but I’m unable to move

Searching for mind that this has removed

Your face so pale, your breathing so slow

Devoid of the soul I saw so long ago


Your eyelashes flicker, you come back to life

And for a just minute I forget all of my strife

Until I realize the sorrow you’ve held within

The sorrow that’s made you become so thin


You say you’re sorry; you’ll not repeat

The endeavor you’ve taken to never eat

Without three meals you’ll not go a day

You promise now that you’ll be always okay


I hope you will always keep this pledge

To step away from your death’s rocky edge

And I hope you will be true to your word

To never again be limited to this flightless bird