
Lucky to Have You

I wished the day when all days would never end,

Just so I can see you, my thoughts wander, they tend.

I often think of the beauty that is in this game,

What comes to my mind always, is your name.


Solidified birds of heaven's gates,

Shining with golden wings while I awaits,

In one snap of His all mighty fingers,

And a beautiful soul will forever linger.


Stained to this planet of death and plague,

This beam of light shines through like our nations flag.

Showing peace and equity forever today.

She leaves nothing but colour in a world of gray.


You’re everything that’s good,

Even when the world do better it could.

Hopefully this bottle that’s thrown to the sea,

Will reach your doorstep before you disagree.


Angels call to the sound of your heavenly voice,

Everything else only matters if searched for is noise.

Unbelievable songs ring in my unfathomed ears,

When you whisper the letters of beauty and tears.


So enough of the past, and future alike,

And hopefully you’ll realise before the end of the night.

You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.

And I’m the luckiest, to have recieved the best I could ever get.