

Everyone says not to pollute rivers,

It causes harm to the animals living in it,

But no one does anything to prevent it.

They just do whatever they wish.

Everyone should realise  that

Pollution is a very dreadful thing
   It destroys forest green
   It makes the water filthy

Makes it unfit for human consumption
   It is really dirty to be seen.

We axe trees to build houses,

Instead of using alternate materials

Environmentalists also tell us to do the same,.

Many users use the same route but use multiple cars,

The cars give out poisonous gases,

They are wasting so much fossil fuels,

People live in squalor
Creatures die in pain
From toxic pollution
The facts are quite intricate.

It's a real mess we're in
we should be telling the citizens
But, instead we're pushing
the smoke and we think it's a joke.

Except that  the joke's a bad one

And is purely terror-forming
But spends a lot of money
And we call it global warming.

A solution to it is by using a car pool

You cannot reincarnate a species
Or regrow an extinct tree

By paying carbon offset
Or by  making products carbon-free.

So, if you want a better world
consider what you do

Real differences will be made

By controlling the  emissions.

Planting more trees and paying attention to all concerns.

It isn't great to admit
that we have moved forward  once more
but the fact is that if  we let the horse just gallop off
it's too late to bolt the door.

Seize the initiative and become environmental friendly.

Promote the use of 4Rs

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse  and  Recover

Should be the motto of every citizen.