Cheeky Missy

Clair de Lune...on Terra Firma!

(sonnet # CLIX)


Chill moonlit scene's awash in sliver light
While crickets softly serenade; its sway
And lure of chalky 'scapes complete with lays
Entices further when viewed closer: white
With blacker shadows looming as the night's
Illumed by lunar glow casting shapes, rays
Half-strange, where lurk unknowns, whilst the display
Of eerie iv'ry splashed all round invites. 
Its silence laced quite subtly seems 'most cold
E'en in the swelt'ring summer eve, whose hues
Stark contrast offer: true and false in bold
Romance now waltzing in slow-motion, fuse
Their passion in a drama yet untold;
Enchantment in moon's gold is fancy's ruse.
