
It is not Love

It is not love they say

It is just a game you play

Love is just a four letter word

A flight for a featherless bird

But that is just what they say

Not how God wants to play

Through Him love can fly

Love can stay until the day you die

All you need to do is pray

And love will be snt the right day

Then you can spread you wings

Do and see lovely things

You can have joy in your heart

And know that love will never part

You can love and care

Never again be scared

For you know love will not let go

Love will never again say no

To find love makes you whole

It heals a wounded soul

Love is patient love is kind

Love clears all doubts of the mind

I know that love I have found

It is like music, a soft gentle sound

For love is patient love is kind

It clears all doubts of the mind