Cheeky Missy

Impressive Electronics

(sonnet # CLXXXIII)


They just drop by to say "Hello" as they
Are passing through; and leave the world below
Quite wet, and make a racket too! Their show
Ne'er rivals fireworks, nay. More's in their sway!
Surpassing homemade sparks, their pow'rful play
Excels with cracks and crashes louder, though
Less colour's on display; illum'ning so
White; brilliantly for merest seconds, yea.
Folks pass them off as "forces" in the sky;
"Electrons bouncing 'round" they claim, unseens
Yet to be reckoned with none can deny.
The Lord says they obey when He convenes:
As answ'ring "here we are." There safety I
Find in His hands alone, 'midst awesome scenes.
