
" cry not"

cry not for love neglected that fades definded, love's please cry not when touch rejected for days mabey weeks you cryed and need,cry not when memories stloen wishing things back to the way they were cry not, with big red swollen eyes, for those who wouldn't see it cry not, for sorry feelings to that boy that man that kid who ingored you cry not, for his dom ways the love you knew from him befor cry not, for hopes that this might change for change shall quickly fee cry not, that you can't change how peolpe are being or how the one you love is killing you in the inside in evey way cry not, for sad or worried feelings cry not, when you  find someone to love and when your heart gets broken cry not, your heart shalll heal soon enough to love agin cry not, when you think your life is over that you have nonthing to live for because his gone cry not, when you have found your soul made cry not, when they surrouned you with there gentle arms embrace there love and live to your very fullest never give up or cry for things so small in the end it al gets better.......................