Cheeky Missy

Romancing Somber Hues?

(sonnet # CCXXXIII)

An oddly yellow glow suffused the day's
Beginning, when at last mid-patt'ring, morn
Arose to grace the scene. But tardy born
And tossed by storm, its face by shower's grays
Was shortly turned to dimly bathe the ways
Of all, while reckless winds plyed the forlorn
World, rustling leaves amain. Yet love had sworn
T'adorn life still, though dismal the displays.
That strangely sulphur start fantastic shone,
The scen'ry in nigh lurid aura cast;
With verdure lushly green, all else was thrown
Thereby in fancy's light, by romance claspt.
The misty haze continued this dear tone,
As rain persisted, sweetened though o'ercast.
