Cheeky Missy

Liquid Gold...

(sonnet # CCLXXIV)

You note a small jar on their counter, ne'er
Or rarely used it seems. And how their eyes
Get big as saucers when your bucket-size
They see. "Five gallons," with a modest air
You say, demure, with ease. Nigh debonair
Inquire if theirs is saved for teas? 'spite tries,
Yours barely lasts three months; while their supplies,
Three years! which how to use they oft despair.
You quickly say, "Of course! Why don't you know
That honey's better than all sweet'ners 'round?
No cavities provokes; in which ne'er grow
Bacter'a aye; and special touch it's found
To add to ev'ry dish in which you throw
It as replacement. Try it!" you expound.
