Cheeky Missy

...??? How?!

(sonnet # CCCCXII)

"...Of cabbages and kings," or crimson dye
And haunting screams; of adages or crows,
Mercedes Benz and kitchen sinks; of woes,
Indiff'rent beings; of leprechuans, blue sky;
Of passion's varied schemes, corrosion, lye;
Old castles, lingerie, terse, worn out beaus;
Black holes that eat voracious all that grows:
Of nothing twice nor satisfied I try
To write and ne'er succeed, though time I waste
In crafting, letting fancy play and choose
Whatever suits her will's capricious taste.
Yet with each foray through, my rhymes are clues
Of something quite defined. I cut and baste
As oft ere now, and lose. The goal's a ruse?
