God bless this child
you have blessed me with today
is he really mine
and here to stay?
Do you promise
Not to take him away
I want to sit in my yard
someday and watch him play.
I want to show him Your love
And when he talks teach him to pray.
I want to cover him where he lays.
I want to watch the sparkel in his eye's
someday as he leaves Santa's cookies on a tray.
I want to sit with him and watch the sunset
as we sit by the bay.
I want to watch him
Chase butterflies in the month of May.
I want to take him to his uncles house
so he can play on the bails of hay.
I want to watch him grow day by day,
I want to be there when he see's his first BlueJay.
So please Lord,Please let Him stay
This little one you blessed me with today!