

Perseverance: a poem





Long ago or should I say sometime in the past?



I had dreams and now at the age of 31 I have realized most of them.


It’s funny how good luck; joy, pain, rejection, effort and ‘Perseverance’ with a capitol ‘P’ have played a part in my life and sealed my Fate.


I now choose to think more positive thoughts even though this is still hard for me when I hear a negative voice in my head or when I hear people say negative things about me.


Those things hurt me and stay with me until I let it go.

I am self-motivated and I was a star pupil in my memories of my childhood.


My main goal is to be able to take care of myself, be responsible for myself and for the choices I make in life.


I am finishing school next January ’14 with my Bachelor’s degree and I want to find a good Internship.


Then after that I want to have a part-time job working 20 to 25 hours per week and continue doing volunteer work.


Oh and poems, I will keep writing my poems and reading other people’s poetry.  Right now I am reading LIT a memoir by Mary Karr. I also want to write children’s books.