



He hit my sister,

My blood is boiling the animal wants to break out,

Family tells me to calm down don't get involved,

Only she can right the wrong,

My interference will back fire on me,

He & my sister visit my home,

Blood begins to boil animal wants to break out,

Memories of days when I was young,

A bullet his name would have been on, 

Slowly calm down,

While cowardice slowly takes over me,

Time passes by,

Now just a distant memory,



He hit my sister,

My friends i need,

The baddest bastards in this whole god damm town,

Break the hand that he used to hit my sister,

Days go by my friends come see me,

They crushed that hand indeed,

Nolonger will he raise that hand in anger,

Sence of guilt flows over me,

Maybe for the man in need or

Cowardice that flowed through me,

Time passes by,

Now just a distant memory, 

Since that day that cowardice took over me,

He has never raised his hand at my sister indeed,

Now there is peace in the family,

 Colin Bradley.