

Home of paradise,

Shack of character, to love this indeed,

Character you need.

Trees as far as i can see,

A view indeed,

Look at the top of the trees,

They reach the clouds they need,

Enougher world you will see,

Creatures you won't beleave,

Beauty you will see.

Fire supplies warmth,

Wood is the source.

Sun supplies power,

Also for a warm shower.

Batterie's store the power,

For the days it rain's.

Cloud's supply rain,

Fill the tank's main,

Sunrise bird's singing,

Kookarbarras laughing,

Kangaroo's graze'ing,

Mornings are amaze'ing.

Midday when day is warm,

Snake's slivering through my door,

Goanna's scavage'ing for more,

The food they can't ignore,

A sight I adore.

Night time,  Moon is shine'ing, Stars are sparkle'ing,

Shooting stars passing,

Wishe's im making,

Possum's climbing tree's,

Koala's eating the leave's,

Gechoe's climbing my walls,

Chase'ing the spiders out the door,

WOW !! Im in awe,

The life i explore,

Is the life i adore,

Wouldn't ask for anything more.

Colin Bradley.