

Trusty knife in my belt,

So sharp can cut through bone,

Tonight im hunting my grounds,

2am im a pedator on the prowl,

Dogs will hunt my prey down,

Teeth will pierce the throat of the beast,

Tonight waves of blood will flow,

I'm starting to roam,

Pitch black darkness at 2am,

Heavy fog of a still night,

Grunt in the distant darkness,

Prey running through the scub,

Dogs take off after the beast,

The chance of a great feast,

I run as fast as i can,

Branch's hitting my head,

Trying to catch the meat,

Adrenaline flowing,

Breathing heavily,

Shit im out of condition,

Dogs catch up to the beast,

Pinned his throat to the ground,

Squealing so loud,

Piercing my ear drums to the bone's,

I dive onto the large beast,

4 inch tusk almost pierce my skin,

The predator almost became the prey,

Lift his front leg up high,

Slide my knife under his armpit,

Straight into his pumping heart,

Quick clean kill life is still

120 kilo's of dead weight,

Plenty of meat,

The dogs & I will have great feast,

How the fuck will I drag this bastard,

It's a long way home.

Colin Bradley.