
Getting Old is Not For Sissies

Getting old is not for the weak
You’ve got to be tough and strong
Just to open the bottle of milk
Unless I’m doing something wrong
And why does my daughter ask me
To color my hair a dark brown
And use this cream and that cream, like she does
My mirror wouldn’t lie to me
Or is it my eyes that just don’t see
The wrinkles and the crinkles and the graying hair
It can’t be there to stay…
It wasn’t there yesterday…was it?
My glasses need changed somewhere along the way
Aging is not for the old at heart
You must be prepared to fall apart
Not only your body but also your brain
Sometimes you feel totally insane
Aging is not for sissies
You’ll learn it’s not for prissies
You must be aware that if you take the care
You won’t lose the things that have gone missing
And never too old to know better…so enjoy that kissing