Soumita Sarkar

a song lovelorn

My dear friend come close
have you got the courage? 
to listen to my soulful song
promise me again not to over react
but keep your faith in love intact.

One day fine while strolling I saw
a bunch of vagabonds on road
Not much I cared though
when a pair of futile eyes followed me
they could do little to impress me.

This shadow had noticed niche
when I immerse in self
or laugh in amusing company
Integrity mine was guarded strong
to befall a havoc, a scratch too long.

Found me lone one lonely evening
imposing as a great venture
the ice was broken finally
Words collected to please were banal
but in action it was a sweet proposal.

True latent feeling flew with wings
as it was a matter colossal
the more I saw, the more I wished

to gaze at a mirror near
the blush of first love was dear.

Promises to meet we itched
and verses filled fragrant letter
were passed to bridge the gap
in unearthly joy our dreams flowed
aye! my senses at his touch glowed.

Had I paused for a while? 
before offering everything
at the altar of his wanton desire
Had I thought for a while? 
before falling flat at his beguile.

This lovelorn song I sing
to all whom I see and meet
not to shake your faith in love
My love-my strength-my divinity
How can you control others fidelity?