
I Surrender

I surrender to the fact you\'re standing next to me; yet, there are no labels to define us, so this perplexes me. I surrender to your love, it\'s something I can see. And I surrender to how you blindly lead me towards ecstasy. It may be hard for you to say, that you need me. But I\'ll be right here by your side until you call on me. Just remember that this distance kills me, but I will surrender to the fact that you\'re still here with me. I surrender to the night... I surrender to the day... I surrender to the truth... I surrender to the pain... We are but creatures on this path we call a spiritual journey. Always hoping for the best, but we have a destiny. If you fight against the will that god intends for thee, then you will walk down a path of continued misery. I surrender to the fact that we were brought into each others\' path to learn something. But what\'s this lesson have to say? This all confuses me! I finally surrendered and gave up on fighting the emotions I\'ve tried to hide that are in front of me. From the man that I will know and who is family. I hope that one day you will see what I can see. All of the beauty, creativity, tenacity, and lack of spirituality that hinders thee. This will set you free.