Cali Kittana

You wish...

You tell me I\'m too old,
I tell you I find it gold.
You tell me not to watch My Little Pony.
I tell you that\'d make me a phony.
If you saw how I cry around anime,
Would you yell at me to not be that way?
You think I am childish,
I find myself to be quite the opposite.
I watch anime, AND cartoons, yes.
But, I feel like it makes me less of a pest.
I read manga AND comics,
But, that makes me feel like less of a nuisance.
I feel like you don\'t care about me or my life.
When really, you honestly are trying to \"Protect me\"
You wish...
You are the one who is making me the way I am.
There is nothing that will make me any other way.