

Cannot decode the signature of fear beneath the huge eyes, 
serene and calm, darting right and left, like in stricken 
animal at frenzy. Drift we must; will seldom cross the path. 
Agony of existence, flying thighs, erect humps, sliding on sand 
dunes. Even moon melts in our mouth. 
You had kissed the frozen lips; of betrayed night. 
The sudden gyration of hips, fading of stars, 
and waning of nameless memory. Let\'s go and 
hide in blasts of whistling train. Pale wool of 
knitted love cannot hold the heat. The waiting will 
be over in minutes. Wheels will runover an epoch. 
I would raise my head after ages in astonishment. I was still alive, cast 
in a different mould. Dislocation became my integrity, 
my fate, a frightened truth. 
People were very short sighted, could not cross infinity. 
Supreme was in them, discounting morality.

Satish Verma