

Alone with an untouched, 
untainted voice in me 
I blunder into a rarefied 
mist of thoughts, 
listening, holding my breath. 
A pause amidst thunders of vocabulary. 
Gratefully the end comes 
liberating the sap from earth. 

Intense pain isolates you 
from the drama of life. 
Maimed by three dimensional 
negativity you walk straight 
inhaling the scent of death row. 
The tapestry of pain outlines the path. 
Your shoulders are broad with pride. 

Nostalgia of a blooming tree. 
Grateful to summer 
gives you the aloneness. 
Like stars we are sailing 
in our separateness. 
The perfumed gathering tenders no apology. 
I always detested the comparison of heights.

Satish Verma