
window shopping

When I go window shopping,

I am just looking not buying ,

For the things I see,

Will never belong to me.


I press my nose against the window,

With anger I want to break it asunder,

In fury I watched and cry,

For there are things which money cannot buy.


There is understanding all dressed in red,

Is that a price on its head?

There is no price I can see,

I suppose its owner will be just lucky.


Is that love in the corner I see?

Staring its beady eyes at me,

I have money and to spare,

But I don’t want to buy I want to share.


I passed the old second hand shop,

The things I wanted they hadn’t got,

 for someone to love and understand,

You will never found among the second hand.


 I’ll forever go window shopping,

After all the folks have done their shopping,

I look with tears in my eye,

For there are things money cannot buy.


