
A View on Relationships

This is my view on relationships, coming from my own relationships I have had. Here is a look at some of the relationships I have had. 


- I dated a guy who was in the Marines for a few months, turned out he was gay and hadn\'t come out of the closet yet. So he basically used me as a front to \"NOT BEING GAY\". 

- I did the whole online dating thing. I met a guy, dated a few months, we got engaged. He became overly jealous and controlling. So I broke it off. 

- Went down the road of dating a gangster \"cholo\". Had a relationship of over 2 years, it was that relationship of the constant break ups and make ups. Found out he had been cheating on me, so that was the end of that relationship. 

- Met a guy when I was in the Army, we \"dated\" a few months. This relationship was literally like Rihanna\'s hit song \"We Found Love\". That explains that relationship. 

- I then met a family friend. I married this guy, we had 2 beautiful kids. He\'s an amazing father, but partner not so much. This relationship should\'ve ended sooner than it did. This one consisted of jealousy, control, abuse, etc. I stayed for my kids, gave it my all, but started loosing myself in the process of it all. I had to leave before things escalated. Lost many friends and family, because I left. 


So as you can see I haven\'t had the best of luck in relationships or in the guys I choose.  But with these experiences I have found and realized my self worth and what I deserve and want out of a relationship. These are the things I believe a true relationship should consist of: 

- Giving support towards each others dreams and goals and not preventing each other from accomplishing them

- Respect for each other 

- trust and honesty  

- Communication

- Amazing sex (just being honest)


Everyone has a different view on relationships, but this is mine. Feel free to share your view on relationships, if you wish to. 

And yes this is clearly not a poem, it\'s more of a journal entry. I like to twist things up a bit lol