
Insane Till The End...

I open my eyes and look down... In my hands is my heart shattered into a million pieces like glass.... There\'s no fixing me
because the damage is to far beyond fixing.. Thanks to u I have no heart I have no soul, I\'m nothing... I hurt and brake everyone
and everything without meaning to... I don\'t want to die I just wanna be fixed but that\'s impossible so maybe I should just kill myself
it will solve everyone\'s problem... But when I look into the mirror I see nothing but a monster but the real monsters are in your head
unless you finally just go insane heh maybe this is who I really am... Just a girl with an insane side, you can see it in my eyes that
i\'m not happy with who i am so i\'ll change to the real me lets see how many of you stay and how many go... No ones ever stays
so why are you?