Mark B

Hard times

In the current state of financial instability

With half the population slipping into poverty

And an all round feeling of insecurity

Its enough to make a strong man cry


It would be easy to rob, steel and commit crime

But we know it will get better given time

Were just waiting for an encouraging sign

But if the odd tear is shed you will understand why


With a picture of worry drawn on his face

Because of the state of the human race

A vision of comfort there is no trace

If he had wings it would be easy to just take off and fly


But he has a sense of responsibility

With a desire to provide for his family

And put the dreams of easier times into reality

Like a medieval worrier to the death he will try


So in time we will look back upon these days

With a feeling of respect in many ways

And make sure that when wealth comes, it stays

Walking proud with our heads held as high as the sky