

It begins as something as small as a spark

Gleaming brightly against the dark.

Consuming and expanding the spark will grow

Piercing the dark with a crimson glow

That shines like a single fallen star


Soon there are more

Two grows to a dozen then a score

The midnight gloom is blown into tatters

As beams of light start to gleam, it shatters

The stillness of the night


Now there are too many to count,

The growing waves of light begin to mount

Upon the dark crests of their fuel

Waging a never ending, one sided duel

The dark is no more


The light begins to crackle

Popping, bursting with a loud cackle

As the fuel collapses and the sparks consume

A dreadful dance will the light resume

For the brighter it grows the quicker it will go.


Now the night has returned

There is stillness, as if the light had learned

Reduced to but a pile of glowing red stones

That the less its glow, the more beautiful the tones

Of the sweet music of life that it had come to know.


Now it is over

The light reduced to spots like flowers in clover

And as the final light faded, and the gloom began to grow

a slight breeze arose,

And a single spark began to show.