Mark B

C ya later mate

You were always the kind of bloke

That took the leading roll

So when you thought the time was right

You took complete control

No one will ever comprehend

Why you thought it was time to go

was it a selfish act, were you insane?

You must of been so very low


Life is like a game of poker

You have to play the cards you hold

But sometimes when the chips are down

I suppose you have to fold

Even to your closest friends and family

Your pride would of never let you fully explain

Your mixed up feelings of anguish, frustration

Your problems and your pain


In your world all was black and white

There were no shades of grey

You achieved your goals by hook or by crook

It wouldnt have been you any other way

You had no room for half measures

You attacked everything head on

Always all or nothing

Never gave up till the task was done


When I look back upon your life

Being a parent was your biggest success

True dedication you had for your boys

Always one hundred percent and never any less

And now your story has come to a close

And your accepted in another land

One day i will meet you at the gates

And shake you firmly by the hand