\"What depression feels like\"
Tangled in her storm
Darkness looms upon her soul
She is left standing underneath the rainfall.
All alone.
Not a single person in sight.
Her feet are sinking into the mud.
Her eyes are turning red
She is clenching her first ready to fight this battle.
But the rain turns into thunder and her feet are sinking deeper.
She can no longer breathe.
She unclenches her fist as the darkness grows inside her.
She wants to run away, but she is stuck. She cannot move.
The lightening is getting louder, the rain is pouring harder, her soul is crumbling as she falls to her knees.
\"Rain rain go away, pain pain go away come again another day. \" she sings.
\"Please oh please just not today.\" she cries. She collapses to the ground. All alone. She lays. Waiting. Waiting for the storm to pass. Hoping.