Nero Banz


Transparency is the attribute I love the most about a person.

To see them for who they really are and to not be blocked by walls they put up themselves.

I have been blessed with a good heart.

For I can feel the pain of another person without having to experience their trauma.

I care because I truly care in my heart.

We are connected cause we are all human beings that bleed, cry and feel pain.

But despite that there are people in this world that don’t care about the suffering of another human being as long as that human being is not them.

To them it is not their problem and why bother to care?

It is their perception that it is not big deal.

His mom died, so what.

His girlfriend cheated, so what.

She was raped, so what.

I was hurt, so what.

Why should I care if it wasn’t me?

Because it could be you.

Never tell a person not to cry if you don’t understand the reason why they are crying.

Never tell person not to be angry if you do not understand the reason why they are angry.

Never tell a person to get over pain if you do not understand why they were in pain.

You are the icy breeze that freezes a heart.

You are the driving force behind a person slitting their wrist.

Because you believed that their pain wasn’t deep and that it shallow and they should just get over it.

You expect people to be there for you but you not be there for them.

You want the love but not to give it back.

You believe feelings are a sign of weakness but in actually it’s a sign being a human being.

Never tell someone not to love, not to cry, not to care because that is what makes us humans.

You can’t relate to emotions that why you are emotionless.