Gus Rylander

Four Letter Word

That Powerful Four Letter Word


Yes, it has different faces

And so many names

You can find it in so many places

And in a variety of shapes

Or in different size frames

It can bring you pleasure

It could also bring you pain

Sometimes it seems easy to obtain

But so harder to let go


That Four Letter word


I\'m sure you already know

You may call her Love

I\'ll just call her \"Hope\"

Hope brings laughter

Hope brings joy and happiness

You\'ve never wanted something so bad

Yet so good as this

We imagine it

Rapped up and intertwined

With Hope\'s eyes, touch and kiss

Being ever so passionate

We just can\'t help it

We chase Hope

We crave Hope

Some people become a slave to Hope

But when you get hooked

From ever look

To ever word

Its the sexiest thing you\'ve ever seen

And the most erotic thing you\'ve heard


Man, that Four Letter Word



Better known to me as Hope

Hard to describe

Undefined and mysterious

Not to be taken for a game

Believe me,

I take Hope serious

Because even though

Hope is a beautiful thing

You and I both know

Hope can leave you

With emotional scars that sting


Damn, that Four Letter Word


Get rapped up in Hope if you want to

Like a viscous venomous snake

She could possibly kill you

Sometimes you want to forget Hope

Like Hope doesn\'t exist

But that other feeling she gives you

You just can\'t seem to resist


You don\'t want to give up on

Hope takes time and attention

But don\'t get used like a pawn

Oh, and did I forget to mention

I\'ve been bit by Hope\'s poison

And from that moment on

I\'ve never been the same

But she never did anything to me

So I guess I\'m the one to blame

Getting caught up for no reason

Like the change in seasons

It always seems to happen

We never can explain it

It\'s like a chain reaction


Wow, the Four Letter Word


You\'ll never know if Hope will last

We can\'t predict the future

And we can\'t dwell on the past

I\'ve got to believe in my heart

That Hope will come my way

Maybe one day...

Now listen close

You might just miss

What I\'m trying to say

If \"Hope\" is \"Love\"

And \"Love\" is \"Hope\"

I Love that Hope is listening...