
stay strong

Stay strong

Your beautiful


And amazing

So don\'t give up hope 

Don\'t give up what you want

You have to be brave and fearless like a lion

Fast as a cheetah

You don\'t have to cut , you\'re never alone

So don\'t hold anything back

Take my hands and i guide you to the light

So don\'t go into the darkness stay with me


I know you are strong , your not weak like a mice

You\'re a beautiful flower that\'s blooms wonderful

So bloom and shine you\'re beautiful light upon us

Don\'t be scared to hold my hands bc im not letting go of your hands

You\'re a intelligent person

You\'re the sun and  the moon that guides my path

You should never be in the darkness sweetie  because that\'s not where you belong , you belong to the world where you can see the sun shine 

Become  brave 

Become fearless

Become stronger then you are now

Because i don\'t believe you are weak

Let me sing to you ,so  you can hear my melody


In your ears


And hear the  birds chirping you\'re name 

Telling you how amazing you are

And that you shouldn\'t forget that

I will  be by your side no matter where you go

So you can know that your never alone

And i will always be there for you

Let just take one step out of time 

So we can be stronger together

No matter what goes wrong 

I know you are strong and you can beat your problem with me next to you

Just let me understand you more

Let me be a part of your world because i don\'t want you to face this alone 

I love you 

And i don\'t want anything happening to you

You have to understand  , I\'m not leaving you\'re side.