
Cosmic Epitaph

the fires of orion

burnt brightly

in the night of sky......

the light from the distant



into the realm of the darkness......

....in time

what had remained behind

would return to where

it had once begun....

but as the universe

plunged into the void of the dark.....

what was once remembered

in the mind of man-

became the extinction

of the soul....

that we would never know

love again....

that our hands would

never touch

in the light of day.....

that the passions of

our covenant

would never ignite into the

eternal sky.....  

that the pain & sorrows

of the past would

no longer have remembrance

who we once were

that we once lived

& where we once felt the passion

of what could have been in the future tense......

but as the fading light

fell into the unknown

we did not remember

who we were

so as the transformation begins once again

in the next of time....
forgotten - unloved - unknown

the transformation into the other world...

has begun......