
Pose for That Photo

To those kids who frown at the camera:

Please smile and take a good picture for your mother

She loves you, and wants to cherish you and your childhood memories

It may not mean much to you,

But to her, it means a lot.

You are all she has

You\'re her pride and joy


So please, pose for that photo

Grin and bear it,

Even if your smile is fake

Give the one who loves you something she\'ll remember forever


Why, you ask?

The reason shouldn\'t matter

I am telling you this because I refused to pose for that photo.

My mother now has few memories of me as a child.

I will be in highschool soon,

And I left her with nothing


So please, pose for that photo.

Don\'t leave her with nothing, like I did

Young child, while you may not understand why now,

Just take my advice

One photo that doesn\'t hold value to you

Can speak a million words for someone else.