The first 1

leave us alone

I came to an Angel To protect me,

As time carried on I became the Angle now I protect thea,

Thay was abused and used this anit no dream,

A nightmare of lies and deseat, 

U ask who\'s the fean, 

Taken from afar, 

To a place of destroyed dreams,

from as young as 3,

That\'s months in this wicked place,

A family with no morals but up standing,

Behind doors they are a discrase,

A ring of a circal that take advantage of a piss take,

You no what I mean this is no mistake, 

Awake at night as pressure takes shape,

Keep it together or there back in the same place, 

It\'s hard alone this is my only exscape,

I have to be that Angle and pretext this place..........


To be continued ...........