Is it good to pursue true happiness? Can we handle the pain, can we pay the price?
Is there any real reason we live? Do we really need the strife?
We journey from life to death through decades of indecision. We subject our minds to a perfect picture, painted by false pretenses created by dreamers.
We’re poisoned by fairy tales of the good life all while we’re drowning in social standards.
We raise our glasses in toast to vain repetitions of fantasies conceived and born out of lust.
We struggle to compensate when little ones cry without crossing boundaries when they ask why.
We justify, lie, swear, promise then pack them all into a box and label it “Pride”.
We’re contrary, merry, and we tarry because we’re unsure. We hold our hopes in the palm of our hands and wash our faces in the waters of guilt while treading further into unknown depths of the oceans.
Eager to please, our love can be measured. We hold our loved ones in our hearts to be treasured.
We live, we laugh, we love, we hate. We give, we take, we sacrifice, we fake. We are deāevolution in a passing moment.
Who knows how long this will last, with the pace of our lives so fast.
Will we burn ourselves out before we reach the apex of our time?
In writing all this, am I losing my mind?
I have a longing in my soul, a desire to rest. A rhapsody of discord tears through my heart, leaving behind a void that I fear may never be filled.
I sleep but never rest. I ponder but never know. I hope but only get hurt. I die, but I am never dead.
I’m tortured from the outside in. I’m alive, but not living. I am but am not. Please help me.