Poetic Dan

Strange thoughts

Last night I had the strangest of thoughts, the feeling that came over me is hard to put into words. I\'ve tried all day to articulate them but it\'s still just in my head.

It started off, believe it or not with the thought of \"God\" But more how I got here, that was quickly answered, two people came together and made it so. As that one went, the next thought was my son: this is where I\'m still struggling to understand but it was something like this...

\"I\'m the bringer of world\'s\"

Because if not for the two of us he would not be here neither would my girl.

I was once nothing and a \"happening\" happened that made me, if that didn\'t happen I\'d not be here. So my parents are the reason I get to experience all this, to know existence even exists.
My last feeling was if we all did nothing then nothing would exist, the image of blackness was all I could see but words still came in randomly.

At the end of writing this (not sure why I have) my thoughts are, all this is a truly random chances of events, actions makes things happen, no matter how big or small it all has an effect.

Know you\'re part of it all