
Wintertime Sadness




She walked through the mean streets
Broke and empty
Walked by with every tear drop trail
Broken and broke
To think that the love of a man can heal
Her happiness she valued his words
But they had no value
She walk and walked broken
Her tears never dried up because of the memories
Of her giving her all were a film centered in her memory
Broken, broke and now fearful because
 she wouldn\'t be able to see another man that defines as a genuine soul 
Her so called love left her broken and broke
She cried and tears fell on flowers that turned into spikes and thorns of black regret
No rose that grew from the concrete could grow from a seed to a rose
as I saw her I knew she was broken and every piece was in my power to put back into place
Tape after tape glue after glue trying to build a new picture
She tried to repaint a new rose but because of her disbelief in my effort and presence she
Did not acknowledge that she was a rose and not knowing i fell in love with her roots instead but here she is rebuilding and growing into a rose that never died on winter day and lovely when the sun shines we both shine together and we both build our field of plants as God watered us with his tears and the love I have for her grows and grows as now we sit on a tree and face reality she is now my love- Unknown