
Lyrics of a Broken Heart

I want to weave my fingers through the strings of a harp to create a sound as sweet as your voice

I want to drink the elixir of love in the hope I could enchant you to be mine by choice

I want to paint a picture to capture your never ending charms for all eternity
I want to get lost with you on a boat sailing away to far reaches of the sea

I want to create a state of perfection for us to share until the end of time

I want to kidnap you, bound to tight until you promise to always be mine

I want to cast a spell over you to create a magic aura that would forever bind
I want to rip out my heart, chase out its outward feelings that are naught but blind

I want to write a song so my feelings for you would pulsate into the void

To join my jilted hopes, dreams and love with which you always toyed

But crying tears of an angel has stolen the sweet melodies of my soul
and writing I can never but start.

All I am left with now are the lyrics of a broken heart