

You, reached out your hand,

but felt no touch.

You, vocalized, 

but heard no response.

You, befriended all,

but at a cost.

You, who sought only pleasure,

felt only loss.

I\'m looking through the closet.

Your skeleton appears.

Out from the shadows,

my cloak of humility.

Time, passes by,

but not for you.

Time, seasons, colors,

are not for you.

But, time, cannot absolve the failure

of the time when it stopped for you.

I\'m looking through the closet.

Your skeleton appears.

Out from the shadows,

my cloak of humility.

Now, I, reach out to darkness,

and talk to the cold.

Candles of tears,

drip onto my soul.

Feeding white lilies of tomorrow,

I\'ll forever wear your cloak.