
The last day of the year

There is nobody here

It is all over now

The end has marched forth

I want to say it was not expected

But I know that it is true

The grim reaper, Loki, Lucifer

Are they waiting for me now?

With swords and forks and lies

And an ending that is fitting?

All I wanted was you, to hold me, love me true

Forever, for all eternity

I just wanted you, wanted that so much

To want right now, just to be

I held on so tightly

Yes I did

I believed

I felt

I trusted

But for what?

A kiss?

A moment that is gone

I am the past

I am the present

I am the moment

I am the none

I am the nothing, the yesterday, the gone

I am the want, the hope

What is lost on the winds of time

On the past

On the beliefs

On our yesterdays

Goodbye to what was

To the desire, the lust

I move forward to the future

A new year

In which I must trust