
Words The Most Powerful Drug Of All...

Words are real & easily said, Words are useful, Words can blame,

Words can name & shame Words that are hurtful just the same...

The words some people use just to hurt the likes of me & you...

To judge when they have no right too...

Words that can make people laugh & cry...

Words that leave us wondering why...

Words that often say hello to the goodbye...

Words spoken behind a lie...

Words that stay within... Words that don\'t know where to begin...

Words that want a bottle of gin...

Words that leave others feeling weak within...

Words that scream & shout...

Words when there\'s no one about...

Words that leave a deep self-doubt...

Words that leave with no way out...

Words listened too, Words you refuse too...

Words that cant forget within a mind,

Words that breaks a heart time after time...

Words that make you, Words that break you...

Words that are right, Words that cause an innocent soul to fight...

Words that are wrong, Words that make you strong...

Words that we harbour from the day we was born saying we never truly belong...

Words that free you, Words that chain,

Words that frame, Words that un-claim...

Words that nobody hears,

Words that echo through the un-told years...

Words that forgive, Words that don\'t,

Words that we wish we spoke... Words to regret, Words to forget...

Words that choke, Words that crock, Words so hasty, Words so tasty...

Words that ruin, Words doing the un-doing,

Words that peek, Words so true enough to hurt the truth...

Words that everybody must say, Words that every dog will have its day...

Words to make a better way...

Words that are mistaken in every way,

Words that come every day out of the mouths we was born to use...

Words that are every humans right too...

Words that should be thought about instead always just coming right out without ever thinking about the conscience, doubt, insecurities, & disappointment they might harm & cause...

Leaving someone somewhere they so don\'t want to be, up-set, hurt & angry just because the words came out of me...

It doesn\'t matter how much I\'m sorry, the damage is done... What right do words have anyway if they have nothing good or nice to say...