Terrorism has reached new heights that shake the foundation of our country. Fear of the radicals has created a false person towards our Muslim neighbor. They cower and resent them since they\'re all blinded by the same pair of glasses which are fogged in the lenses. One bridge forms between me and others.
Close minded people surround me. Filling the air with their words of nonsense. Ideas which are ridiculous. Words which have no logical sense except to them. Their audacity is that of children, minds unwilling to accept their absolute stupidity and immaturity. Another bridge forms between me and others.
Friends who don\'t know the extent of their words. Unaware of the fact that their insults aren\'t jokes, but lashes against my back. Like a bullet fired from a gun, their words leave a wound on me that no hospital can heal. Another bridge forms between me and others.
These bridges keep me connected to society, but in the same manner as hanging a worm on a hook. I\'ve been pushed away to the point where these bridges have made me less of a human and more of an island. Concrete walls fortified by insults keep me from treading on the bridges that isolate me. And a shallow water blackened by fear threatens to consume me. The only thing to make this worse, is that I can\'t swim.