

The golden rays of gleaming sun attracts my eyes with value.

To appreciate the beauty,

even when I am hopeless from promises so untrue.

I have days that i\'m consumed with pessimistic outlooks and a harsh attitude.

The days that come that reassure me that I am alive,

Couldn\'t bring joy if I didn\'t live the pain.

I give thanks to the power I would never have gained,

if it weren\'t for times of insanity and a crazy mind I tame.

My heart is beyond disappointment, although I have no regrets.

I have been my own worst enemy

that each moment wont let me forget.

I am not proud of the weapons,

and survival tactics that I frequently do posses.

The tears fall from my eyes in

knowing the dark that overrides.

I feel such evil taking over,

and I contemplate suicide.

The hardest thing that I had to learn, was that checking out is not a choice.

I am a warrior amongst fools,

and soulless bodies who destroy with a promising voice.

My heart sinks into the murky waters, they are thick and leave me stuck.

With good intentions and versatile thoughts are what makes my skin so tough.

I know there is a positive, in everything that\'s bad.

I understand what\'s important in life, good things I have never had.

Trust and belief in God is the only chance we have.

Less will rise with the lord,

and live eternal life.

I must wear my armour and

stay prepared, mindful and on guard.

The calling from down beneath is here, it\'s traveling near and far.

They want your soul and rid your existence, they have set out to steal your soul.

The day will come,good shall prevail, we together can stand side by side.

Peace and longevity each day we are alive should remain the only goal.