
Lost Souls


Bang bang
The silence is broken
No not the shot heard around the world
But the block is chirping
Word is spreading
But with no words spoken
Only shoulder shrugs
And the disappointment of the elderly
The streets have claimed another life
Adding to lost souls
Roaming the neighborhood
Reliving their last moments
But since they aren\'t lost at sea
Where\'s the hoods equivalent of davey jones
To help them get to the other side
If only they knew today would be last
Who would have gotten good byes
And what of the mothers
Who\'s pillow cases can\'t take much more
Their tears forming puddles
Showing them reflections of lost youth
But what of the aggressors
Potential just wasted
What if they picked up a pen
Instead of a gun
What was missing at home?
That cause them to embrace the hood
Instead of thy neighbor
If only someone could have reached out
Maybe just gave an ounce of attention
Change that persons course
Maybe altered their trajectory
Could have saved two lives
But alas
No love given and No love lost
In the hood math is just the opposite
Two negatives never make a positive