

I struggle to breathe
I can\'t stop the tears from flowing
As the years you by in my memories.
The countless assaults
The lies
The torture
And I sit
And I think
And I let them overwhelm me
And slowly
Very slowly
Just before I collapse
I become numb.
My body becomes ice
My brain just a rambling of thoughts.
\"You\'re ugly\"
\"You\'re a whore.\"
\"That\'s all you\'ll ever be good for.\"
\"You are nothing.\"
\"Always have been.\"
\"Always will be.\"
And I sink,
No, not sink, drown.
I drown in the voices.
I drown in the memories.
I scream
But no one can hear me in this silence.
It\'s too deep.
So I drown.
And slowly.
I become numb.