
WEDLOCK Written by L. Winters

Marriage is a very beautiful thing, When you are married to the right person, With a mentality that is always willing, To solve problems and keep it working,   For the Lord is the author of marriage, He is the author of love as well, These two have joined themselves together, To be strong for each other, an never give up and fail,   There are so many different characteristics, To learn and live by day by day, A lot of loyalty and pure honesty, Are a few that I must admit, I have to say,   Humbleness, submissiveness, forgiveness are a few, Meekness, trustworthy and faithfulness will always do, Communication is the key, and keep your ears open to listen, Understanding one another is something that shouldn’t be missing,   Affection, compliments and surprises from time to time, Give a lil, take a lil and always view it from both sides, Money management skills should always be perfected, To prevent from lurking in the shadows, having something to hide,   Sacrifice for each other with love and grace that surpasses eternity, The unconditional love that has no conditions at all, Know in your heart that you were placed together to be in unity, And knowing that together you stand- and divided you both fall.