
Art of Conversation

Just for once I want to be heard
Probably my demands you think are absurd
I listen to you I hear you cry
But in reality I let out a sigh
Some days I want to scream
Like a tormented reoccurring bad dream
Why don\'t you listen when I talk
You put your nose in the air and away you walk
It always seems I\'m having a moan
But all you do is play with your phone
You seem to have me at end of a hook
Whilst all you do is look at Facebook
Am I so boring you hear me say
That makes you text night and day
All I want is an end to this clap trap
But all you do is message on What\'s App
But now I know the way it goes
A little bit harsh I think I suppose
It\'s not you\'re fault the way you are
You even Skype when you\'re driving the car
Is it because I\'m being misconstrued
Or is it a case that you\'re simply rude