
Tell Me

Well if you think I\'m cute and charming TELL ME...

Don’t be shy, look me in the eyes and just TELL ME...

Don’t be afraid to say what\'s on your mind, you

Just might be surprised, if you think I might be what

You need and you might wanna get to know me

Better, well TELL ME, just c\'mon now and TELL ME...

Because that\'s how a chance meeting could end up

Changing your life, when you get up the courage to say

Hey would you like to do something that is if you\'re

Not busy tonight...well who knows you just might not

Have to spend another night alone, sitting home, just

Sitting home...I believe there\'s somebody for everybody

And so if you\'re looking for someone who\'ll really

Love you; I could be just what you\'ve been looking for

And more, yeah I could be just what you need to set

Your spirit free but you gotta TELL ME, don’t be shy

Just look me in the eyes and say hey let\'s do something

When you get off work tonight, what do you got to?

Loose, this could be the chance meeting that change

Both our lives but I\'m not a mind reader baby and

I\'ll never know unless you TELL ME, just open up your

Heart, set your spirit free and TELL ME, just c\'mon now