

Kiev in the shadow of early spring

Winds off the lake lands and

Reinvented again...

Something of a new dream, new

And improved like magic with

The waves of a hand just like

Tribal spirits breathing the

Breathe of new life...

I am now redeemed...

Waling the river’s edge and

Feeling love for the first time

In my life...

My heart is at peace with it\'s


Kiev in the shadow of moonlight

And the cool, cool early April


Cosmic forces have ushered

In good favors as Jupiter

Enters Aries again...

Climbing the stairs to the

High bridge and looking

Down into the dark waters

There...the poet begins again

Oh reinvented again like

Something out of a dream

Just like a fated breathing

Deep the spirit of life...I am

Now redeemed and once

Again, the poet begins
