

We are born with love and we live our lives with love

The love a child has for a favourite toy

The love of a parent for their girl or boy

The love of life on a sunny day

The love of god for when you pray

The love of dipping your toes in a deep blue sea

To dream a dream of what will be

And yet all the love this world can bear

There\'s no greater love than a man and woman share

The wonder of that first embrace

The beauty etched upon her face

The smile that robs you of your will

As if all time was standing still

The love that makes two people one

And so your journey has begun

To share a home to share a life

For you are now a man and wife

And so a deeper love will grow with time

This love cant wither on the vine

Love built on rock and not on sand

To take you to the promised land

And then the patter of tiny feet

Will make you whole and life complete

Each day you share your love and dreams

Your hopes and fears your plans and schemes

Love will always be there to nourish you

To help you cope and get you through

Love is faithful and love is true

Embrace it, each day it will start anew

And in the twilight hours of time

There\'s one thing certain you can believe

A love like this can not deceive